Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Standing Up For What's Right

Today and tomorrow, there is a protest in Cusco.  In the US, a protest looks like a bunch of people holding signs and chanting peacefully.  Here, all public transportation and taxis are not in operation.  If a taxi or public bus tries to run, it will get stones thrown at it and its tires damaged.  By about 10 AM, the streets were filled (literally) with people standing around.  Some reading newspapers, some chatting with neighbors and many chanting in spanish after a person behind a very crappy loud speaker.  Cusquenos don't mess around.

I am constantly impressed with the sense of pride and community that permeates through Cusco.  There are 21 holidays throughout the year (including Friendship Day) and a barage of parades for each one with typical dress and dance performed on the streets.  Cusco may be missing some vital products (like heinz ketchup), but it has no lack in enthusiasm and commitment to the community and people that it belongs to.

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