Thursday, September 16, 2010

It´s Good For You

Practicing yoga is traditionally considered energizing and mentally balancing.  My roommates, friends and I practice on a roof top patio overlooking Cusco.  We have a gorgeous view of the unique houses and cathedrals of Cusco.  Since it is the dry season, the sky is usually cloudless and the sun feels amazing.  Unfortunately, I´m at such a basic stage, I find myself mostly praying I won´t fall over.  Today, I finally admitted to myself that I just don´t enjoy it yet.  The operative word here is YET.

I feel the same about learning Spanish.  I am in this incredibly vibrant city where 99% of the population speaks purely Spanish, and I find myself struggling to communicate my basic needs.  Curious taxi drivers want to make conversation.  Polite security guards want to have more conversation than ¨How are you?¨  Landlords need to tell me the expectations and I need to ask important questions to make sure I´m getting a good deal.  Sometimes ordering food is a guessing game as to what exactly I will be served.  And yet, I still find myself struggling with any motivation to practice.  Once again, I am at such a basic level, it is difficult to have conversation with any kind of substance.  And I love good conversation.  So, when I´m faced with the option of making small talk in a foreign language and having a full, engaging conversation, I tend to lean towards the latter.

Today was a big day, admitting to myself these two very important and healthy activities are just not quite enjoyable yet.  I continue to pursue both because I know I will come to love them in time.  I feel extremely lucky that I have the time and space to have this internal war.

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