Sunday, January 30, 2011

An explanation

As I keep in touch with people, I find the common complaint is "I want to see more posts on your blog.  We want to know what's happening."  So, I want to come clean.  Since I started blogging, I found other blogs I read about similar experiences I was having were beautifully written.  Unfortunately, the side effect of reading these blogs was not inspiration but a new-found self-consciousness about my own inadequate writing.

So, I ask my readers to be patient with my not-so-fabulous writing skills and see my message instead.  I will get better.  I promise.  I have finally found it more important to communicate my experiences in a timely manner than to "wow" my audience with talented writing.  I am committed to publishing my blogs quicker as long as you are committed to forgive a developing writer.

1 comment:

  1. I just discovered your blog and enjoyed catching up on your adventures! Having taught Writing last year, I can tell you that I'm of the philosophy that when it comes to blogs, what's important is conveying experiences and you are doing that very well already. Keep up the great work!

    - David
